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LANtastic Network Operating System Version 4 Compatibility Bulletin
Product Reviewed: Microsoft Windows version 3.1
Classification: Multi-tasking/Windowing Environments
Date: 04/27/91
Engineer: JAG
Compatibility Statement:
Microsoft Windows 3.1 is compatible with LANtastic NOS v4.xx.
Product Overview:
Windows 3.1 builds upon the legacy of Microsoft's popular graphical user
interface in many ways. It includes faster overall performance, enhanced
Program Manager and File Manager functionalities, sound and multi-media
capabilities, and better support for diverse LAN environments.
Test Equipment Configuration:
The following machines were used for Windows 3.1 testing. All machines have
VGA adapters installed and use Artisoft AE-2 or AE-3 NICs. Testing was
completed using LANtastic NOS v4.10 with AILANBIO.EXE and AE2.EXE v3.01.
All machines were configured as LANtastic servers and used the Windows 3.1
versions of Microsoft's HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE for memory management.
Extended memory was configured as XMS with Upper Memory support enabled.
Windows was tested in both Standard and 386 Enhanced modes.
- CompuAdd 333: 386DX/33, DOS 5.0
- CompuAdd 316s: 386SX/16, DOS 5.0
- Northgate 386: 386DX/20, DOS 5.0
- Tandon 486: 486DX/33, DOS 5.0
Product Installation Notes:
1. The Windows 3.1 SETUP program is now able to detect the LANtastic
network environment during installation. For this to work correctly, LANtastic
must be running when you run SETUP. The steps below detail the two ways you
can install or upgrade Windows 3.1 on a LANtastic network.
NOTE: SETUP should never be run from within a Windows DOS prompt
Window, you must exit completely from Windows first.
A. Local SETUP, installing from the Windows diskettes at each workstation:
When performing a local SETUP, follow the same process as if you were
installing Windows 3.1 on a stand-alone machine. For most PCs this is as
easy as inserting SETUP Disk 1 into the floppy drive, changing to that drive,
and typing the SETUP command. From there, follow the on-screen
instructions for installation. If LANtastic is detected, SETUP will display
"LANtastic Network Operating System version 4.xx" in the "Network:"
selection on the System Configuration screen. If no network is detected, exit
SETUP and ensure that the LANtastic software is running before continuing
with the Windows 3.1 installation.
B. Network SETUP, installing Windows from a network drive:
SETUP for Windows 3.1 can now perform an "Administrative setup" which
expands the Windows files from the floppy disks and copies them all to a
specified directory on a network server. Each workstation then logs into that
server and runs SETUP from the network directory, shortening installation
time dramatically. (Note: check with Microsoft or your Windows dealer for
specific licensing terms.) To perform an administrative setup, put SETUP
Disk 1 in the floppy drive, change to that drive and type
at the DOS prompt. Once you have completed the administrative setup, you
can install or upgrade Windows on each LAN workstation in one of two ways.
First, you can run SETUP from the network drive just as you would from the
installation diskettes, creating a local copy that can run either with or
without running the network software. To do this, NET USE the server's drive,
switch to that drive and run SETUP. A typical sequence of commands would be:
C:\> W:
Note that if the server where the administrative setup is installed is also
going to be running Windows, do not issue the above NET USE command at
that server itself. Instead, switch to the administrative directory on the
local partition (C: in the above example) and run SETUP from there.
The second method of installation is the "network setup." The network setup
requires less disk space on the workstation's hard disk, but the network
software must be running in order for Windows to load. It leaves common
files and programs that can be used by all workstations in the administrative
directory on the server rather than copying them to the workstation. To
perform a network setup, follow the procedure outlined above, but type
at the DOS prompt in the Windows administrative setup directory. This type
of setup requires you to always redirect (NET USE) a specific logical disk to
the server's hard drive so that Windows can access the common programs
when it needs them. This drive letter is the network drive from which you run
SETUP, and SETUP will automatically add the administrative directory and
drive to the PATH statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Make sure you
add the NET USE command to the STARTNET.BAT (or other batch file you
use to bring up the LAN) or Windows will not be able to load.
2. The SETUP program will automatically add SMARTDrive disk cache to your
AUTOEXEC.BAT (and possibly to CONFIG.SYS also). If you are running
Artisoft's LANCache utility, you must disable one of the caches or risk data
corruption. To disable SMARTDrive, locate the following line in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file and delete it:
Refer to the "Using LANCache with Microsoft Windows" section in the LANtastic
NOS Reference Manual for more information on configuring LANCache for use
with Windows.
To disable LANCache utility, open your STARTNET.BAT (or other batch file that
starts the network) and delete the line that looks similar to:
See the Microsoft Windows User's Guide for more information on running
Product Execution Notes:
1. Your DOS PATH= statement in the AUTOEXEC.BAT should not include any
redirected drives that loop back to your local server. For example, if your
server name is WIN_SERVER, the NET USE statement in the "Network SETUP"
section above is an example of a loopback redirection. If your PC locks up at
the Windows logo screen when Windows is starting up, this is the most likely
reason. To resolve this, you should remove any loopback paths from your
PATH= statement or cancel the redirection before starting Windows and
reconnect the drive once Windows is running.
2. If you are running Windows 3.1 on a machine that also functions as a print
server, perform the following steps to speed up printing:
a. At DOS, run the NET_MGR program and select "Shared Resource
Management" from the Main Functions menu.
b. Select the printer resource (e.g. @PRINTER), select the Chars/Second
field and change it to 9600.
c. Hit the ESC key twice to return to the Main Functions menu, then
choose the "Server Startup Parameters" selection. Set Printer Tasks to
1, even if you have more than one printer physically attached to this
machine. Exit from NET_MGR and reboot if you changed the Printer Tasks
3. With Windows 3.1, you can send print jobs to any of the standard print
devices (e.g. LPT1-3, COM1,2) when running over LANtastic. However, if the
printer you are sending jobs to is a network printer, carry out the following steps
to streamline printing:
a. From the Main Group in Windows, select Control Panel and then
Printers. If the "Use Print Manager" box is checked, click on the box
to turn it off. This will eliminate double spooling of jobs, since both
Windows and LANtastic have print spoolers.
b. From that same window, click on the "Connect" button and uncheck the
"Fast Printing Direct to Port" box that appears in the Connect window.
c. Also in the Connect window, put the value 900 in the "Device Not
Selected" box, and change the "Transmission Retry Timeout" to 950.
Compatibility Notes:
1. If Windows 3.1 replaces a Windows 3.0 installation and you run Windows in
Standard mode, you may receive an error message regarding NetHeapSize.
Windows will display an informative message on startup requesting that you
reduce this setting. Generally, this is because the [standard] section of the
SYSTEM.INI file contains this line:
Change this value to 63 to eliminate the informative message.
2. SETUP will not be able to configure a permanent swap file if the LANtastic
SERVER program is running. To remedy this, have all users log out of your
server and remove SERVER from memory. You can then run SETUP or change
the virtual memory settings from the 386 Enhanced option within Control Panel.
Remove SERVER by running the command below at the DOS prompt (NOT within a
Windows DOS prompt window).
Note that this command will shut down your server and log out any active users.
No other users may log in or use your system until you re-run the server
program. If the above command returns the message "ERROR: not safe to
REMOVE, Interrupts re-hooked," you must temporarily comment out the SERVER
command from your STARTNET.BAT file and reboot the machine before configuring
the swap file.
3. SETUP inserts the following line in the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI
file during the configuration process:
This prevents Windows from using the default RAMBASE address of the Artisoft
Enhanced 2Mbps (E2Mbps) adapter. You may remove this line if you are using
Artisoft AE-2, AE-2/T, AE-3, or AE-1 adapters since they do not use a
RAMBASE address. If you do have the E2Mbps adapter, verify the address it
uses and change the values on the EMMExclude line to match them if
necessary. If you are using adapter cards other than Artisoft's, check the
adapter documentation to confirm whether the card uses a RAMBASE address.
Vendor Information:
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6399
Internal Product Overview ARTISOFT CONFIDENTIAL
The following information is based on the Test Engineer's observations of this
third party product. It is for in-house use only and is ARTISOFT Confidential.
General Impressions
Third Party Contacts
Product Licensing
Product Installation
Product Documentation
Product Performance
Suggested Improvements
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ARTISOFT, Inc. Makes no warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of this document.
LANtastic is a trademark of ARTISOFT, Inc. Brand names, company names, and product names
are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
LANtastic Network Operating System Version 4 Compatibility Bulletin
Product Reviewed: Microsoft Windows verstion 3.1
Classification: Multi-tasking/Windowing Environments
Date: 04/27/91
Engineer: JAG
Page 1
ARTISOFT, Inc. Makes no warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of this document.
LANtastic is a trademark of ARTISOFT, Inc. Brand names, company names, and product names
are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
ARTISOFT, Inc. Makes no warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of this document.
LANtastic is a trademark of ARTISOFT, Inc. Brand names, company names, and product names
are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
LANtastic Network Operating System version 4.xx Compatibility Bulletin
Product Reviewed: Microsoft Windows version 3.1
Classification: Multi-tasking/multi-windowing environments
Date: 4/27/92
Engineer: JAG
Artisoft Confidential
Artisoft Confidential